SIDs (Serivce Identifiers)


Serivce Identifiers : 차량의 UDS (Unified Diagnostic Services, ISO 14229) 프로토콜에서 사용되는 주요 명령어들로, 특정 진단 서비스를 호출하는 데 사용됩니다. 각 SID는 특정 진단 기능을 수행하기 위한 요청을 나타내며, ECU(Electronic Control Unit)가 이 요청을 수신하고 해당 서비스에 대해 적절한 응답을 반환합니다.

  • 차량의 ECU와 진단 도구 간의 통신에서 사용되는 특정 명령 또는 서비스를 식별하는 고유한 코드
  • 각 SID는 ECU가 수행해야 할 진단 작업을 정의
  • UDS 프로토콜에서 SIDs는 특정 기능을 요청하거나 실행하기 위해 사용
UDS SID (request) UDS SID (response) Service Details Sub function types Sub function
0x10 0x50 Diagnostic Session Control Control which UDS services are available Diagnostic session type 0x01 - 0x04
0x11 0x51 ECU Reset Reset the ECU (“hard reset”, “key off”, “soft reset”) Reset type 0x01 - 0x05
0x27 0x67 Security Access Enable use of security-critical services via authentication Security access type 0x01 - 0x10
0x28 0x68 Communication Control Turn sending/receiving of messages on/off in the ECU Control type 0x00 - 0x03
0x29 0x69 Authentication Enable more advanced authentication vs. 0x27 (PKI based exchange) N/A <
0x3E 0x7E Tester Present Send a “heartbeat” periodically to remain in the current session “Zero Sub function” 0x00
0x83 0xC3 Access Timing Parameters View/modify timing parameters used in client/server communication Timing parameter access type 0x01 - 0x02
0x84 0xC4 Secured Data Transmission Send encrypted data via ISO 15764 (Extended Data Link Security) N/A <
0x85 0xC5 Control DTC Settings Enable/disable detection of errors (e.g. used during diagnostics) DTC setting type 0x01 - 0x02
0x86 0xC6 Response On Event Request that an ECU processes a service request if an event happens Event type 0x00 - 0x02
0x87 0xC7 Link Control Set the baud rate for diagnostic access Link control type 0x01 - 0x05
0x22 0x62 Read Data By Identifier Read data from targeted ECU - e.g. VIN, sensor data values etc. N/A <
0x23 0x63 Read Memory By Address Read data from physical memory (e.g. to understand software behavior) N/A <
0x24 0x64 Read Scaling Data By Identifier Read information about how to scale data identifiers N/A <
0x2A 0x6A Read Data By Identifier Periodic Request ECU to broadcast sensor data at slow/medium/fast/stop rate N/A <
0x2C 0x6C Dynamically Define Data Identifier Define data parameter for use in 0x22 or 0x2A dynamically Definition type 0x01 - 0x03
0x2E 0x6E Write Data By Identifier Program specific variables determined by data parameters N/A <
0x3D 0x7D Write Memory By Address Write information to the ECU’s memory N/A <
0x14 0x54 Clear Diagnostic Information Delete stored DTCs N/A <
0x19 0x59 Read DTC Information Read stored DTCs, as well as related information Report type 0x01 - 0x0D
0x2F 0x6F Input Output Control By Identifier Gain control over ECU analog/digital inputs/outputs N/A <
0x31 0x71 Routine Control Initiate/stop routines (e.g. self-testing, erasing of flash memory) Routine control type 0x01 - 0x03
0x34 0x74 Request Download Start request to add software/data to ECU (incl. location/size) N/A <
0x35 0x75 Request Upload Start request to read software/data from ECU (incl. location/size) N/A <
0x36 0x76 Transfer Data Perform actual transfer of data following use of 0x74/0x75 N/A <
0x37 0x77 Request Transfer Exit Stop the transfer of data N/A <
0x38 0x78 Request File Transfer Perform a file download/upload to/from the ECU N/A <
0x7F < Negative Response Sent with a Negative Response Code when a request cannot be handled N/A <

Diagnostic Session Control (0x10)

  • ECU가 진단 모드로 전환
  • 차량의 정상 모드에서 테스트 모드로 전환할 때 사용


0x10 - 진단 세션을 시작하여 ECU를 테스트 모드로 전환

Diagnostic session type
(sub function value)
Diagnostic session Description
0x01 Default Session On Start of ECU, ECU runs in to default session.
0x02 Programming Session Used to upload software.
0x03 Extended Diagnostic Session Used to unlock additional diagnostic functions.
0x04 Safety System Diagnostic System Used to test all safety critical diagnostic functions.
  participant PduR
  participant Dsl
  participant Dsd
  participant Dsp
  PduR ->>+ Dsl: Dcm_TpRxIndication(PduIdType,<br>Std_ReturnType)
  activate PduR
  Dsl->>+ Dsd: Data_Indication_functionality()
  Dsd->>+ Dsp: DiagnosticSessionControl service<br>interpreter()
  Dsp -->>- Dsd: DiagnosticSessionControl service<br>interpreter()
  Dsd -->>- Dsl: Data_Indication_functionality()
  Dsl -->>- PduR: Dcm_TpRxIndication()
  PduR ->>+ Dsl: Dcm_TpTxConfirmation(PduIdType,<br>Std_ReturnType)
  Dsl->>+ Dsd: Data_Confirmation_functionality()
  Dsd->>+ Dsp: DspInternal_DcmConfirmation(<br>Dcm_IdContextType, PduIdType,<br>Dcm_ConfirmationStatusType)
  Dsp -->>- Dsd: DspInternal_DcmConfirmation()
  Dsd -->>- Dsl: Data_Confirmation_functionality()
  Dsl -->>- PduR: Dcm_TpTxConfirmation()
  deactivate PduR

ECU Reset (0x11)

  • ECU를 재설정
  • 하드 리셋, 키 오프 또는 소프트 리셋을 포함


0x11 - 하드 리셋 명령을 보내 ECU를 재부팅

Reset type (sub function value) Reset Description
0x01 Hard Reset Completely reboots the ECU.
0x02 Key Off On Reset Simulates turning the key off and on, resetting the ECU.
0x03 Soft Reset Resets the ECU software without a full reboot.
0x04 Enable Rapid Power Shut Down Activates rapid power shut down.
0x05 Disable Rapid Power Shut Down Deactivates rapid power shut down.

Security Access (0x27)

  • 보안이 중요한 서비스를 사용하기 위해 인증을 활성화


0x27 - ECU 보안 접근을 위해 암호화된 키를 요청

Security Access type
(Sub function value)
Security Access Description
Request Seed Requests a seed for security access.
Send Key Sends a key corresponding to the requested seed.
  participant PduR
  participant Dsl
  participant Dsd
  participant Dsp
  participant Dcm User
  critical Request Seed
  PduR ->>+ Dsl: Dcm_TpRxIndication(PduIdType,<br>Std_ReturnType)
  activate PduR
  Dsl->>+ Dsd: Data_Indication_functionality()
  Dsd->>+ Dsp: SecurityAccess service<br>interpreter()
  Dsp ->>+ Dcm User: GetSeed(Std_ReturnType,<br>uint8*, Dcm_OpStatusType, uint8*,<br>Dcm_NegativeResponseCodeType*)
  Dcm User -->> Dsp: GetSeed()
	deactivate Dcm User
	deactivate Dsp
	deactivate Dsd
	deactivate Dsl
  critical Compare Key
  PduR ->>+ Dsl: Dcm_TpRxIndication(PduIdType,<br>Std_ReturnType)
  activate PduR
  Dsl->>+ Dsd: Data_Indication_functionality()
  Dsd->>+ Dsp: SecurityAccess service<br>interpreter()
  Dsp ->>+ Dcm User: CompareKey(Std_ReturnType,<br>uint8*, Dcm_OpStatusType)
  Dcm User -->>- Dsp: Dcm_CompareKey()
  Dsp ->>+ Dsl: Dcm_SetSecurityLevel(Dcm_SecLevelType)
	deactivate Dsl
	deactivate Dsd
  Dsl -->> Dsp : Dcm_SetSecurityLevel()
	deactivate Dsp
	deactivate Dsl
  deactivate PduR

Communication Control (0x28)

  • ECU의 메시지 송수신 기능을 켜거나 끔


0x28 - ECU의 모든 통신을 비활성화

Control type
(Sub function value)
Control Description
0x00 Enable Rx and Tx Enables both reception (Rx) and transmission (Tx).
0x01 Enable Rx and Disable Tx Enables reception and disables transmission.
0x02 Disable Rx and Enable Tx Disables reception and enables transmission.
0x03 Disable Rx and Tx Disables both reception and transmission.

Authentication (0x29)

  • 더 발전된 인증 절차를 사용하여 ECU에 접근


0x29 - PKI 기반 인증을 사용하여 ECU 접근을 요청

Tester Present (0x3E)

  • 현재 세션을 유지하기 위해 주기적으로 “Heart Beat” 메시지를 전송


0x3E - ECU가 현재 세션을 종료하지 않도록 Heart Beat를 전송

(Sub function value) function Description
0x00 Zero Sub-Function Indicates the tester is present.
  participant PduR
  participant Dsl
  participant Dsd
  participant Dsp
  critical Tester Present with positive response
  PduR ->>+ Dsl: Dcm_TpRxIndication(PduIdType,<br>Std_ReturnType)
  activate PduR
  Dsl->>+ Dsd: Data_Indication_functionality()
  Dsd->>+ Dsp: TesterPresent service<br>interpreter()
  Dsp -->>- Dsd: TesterPresent service<br>interpreter()
  Dsd -->>- Dsl: Data_Indication_functionality()
  Dsl -->>- PduR: Dcm_TpRxIndication()
  critical Tester Present with negative response
  PduR ->>+ Dsl: Dcm_TpRxIndication(PduIdType,<br>Std_ReturnType)
  Dsl->>+ Dsd: Data_Indication_functionality()
  Dsd->>+ Dsp: TesterPresent service<br>interpreter()
  Dsp -->>- Dsd: TesterPresent service<br>interpreter()
  Dsd -->>- Dsl: Data_Indication_functionality()
  Dsl -->>- PduR: Dcm_TpRxIndication()
  deactivate PduR

Access Timing Parameters (0x83)

  • 클라이언트/서버 통신에 사용되는 타이밍 매개변수를 조회하거나 수정


0x83 - 타이밍 매개변수를 수정하여 통신 지연 시간을 줄임

Timing parameter access Type
(Sub function value)
Timing parameter access Description
0x01 Set Timing Parameters Sets specific timing parameters.
0x02 Get Timing Parameters Retrieves current timing parameters.

Secured Data Transmission (0x84)

  • ISO 15764를 통해 암호화된 데이터를 전송


0x84 - 암호화된 진단 데이터를 ECU에 전송

Control DTC Settings (0x85)

  • 오류 감지를 활성화하거나 비활성화


0x85 - 특정 오류 코드 감지를 비활성화

DTC Setting type
(Sub function value)
DTC Setting Description
0x01 DTC Setting On Activates DTC setting.
0x02 DTC Setting Off Deactivates DTC setting.

Response On Event (0x86)

  • 이벤트가 발생했을 때 ECU가 서비스 요청을 처리하도록 요청


0x86 - 특정 조건이 만족되면 ECU가 응답하도록 설정

Event type
(Sub function value)
Event Description
0x00 Report Events Sends a response when specified events occur.
0x01 Clear Event Reporting Disables event reporting.
0x02 Report Events with Enhanced Data Sends a response with additional data when events occur.
  • 진단 액세스를 위한 통신 속도를 설정


0x87 - ECU와의 통신 속도를 500 kbps로 설정

Link control type
(Sub function value)
Link control Description
0x01 Verify Link Control Verifies the link status.
0x02 Transition to Communication Mode Switches to communication mode.
0x03 Transition to Link Control Mode Switches to link control mode.
0x04 Transition to Sleep Mode Switches to sleep mode.
0x05 Terminate Communication Ends the communication session.

Read Data By Identifier (0x22)

  • 타겟 ECU로부터 데이터를 읽어옴


0x22 - 차량의 VIN 번호를 ECU로부터 읽어옴

Read Memory By Address (0x23)

  • 타켓 ECU로부터 물리적 메모리에서 데이터를 읽어옴


0x23 - ECU의 특정 메모리 주소에서 데이터를 읽어옴

Read Scaling Data By Identifier (0x24)

  • 데이터 식별자의 스케일링 정보를 읽어옴


0x24 - 센서 데이터의 스케일링 정보를 조회

Read Data By Identifier Periodic (0x2A)

  • ECU에 센서 데이터를 주기적으로 방송하도록 요청


0x2A - ECU가 센서 데이터를 초당 1회 주기로 방송하도록 설정

Dynamically Define Data Identifier (0x2C)

  • 0x22 또는 0x2A에서 동적으로 사용할 데이터 매개변수를 정의


0x2C - 새로운 데이터 식별자를 동적으로 정의

Definition type
(Sub function value)
Definition Description
0x01 Define By Identifier Defines a data identifier dynamically using existing identifiers.
0x02 Define By Memory Address Defines a data identifier dynamically using memory addresses.
0x03 Clear Dynamically Defined Data Identifier Clears previously defined data identifiers.

Write Data By Identifier (0x2E)

  • 데이터 매개변수에 의해 결정된 특정 변수를 프로그래밍


0x2E - ECU의 특정 설정 값을 업데이트

Write Memory By Address (0x3D)

  • ECU 메모리에 정보를 작성


0x3D - ECU의 특정 메모리 위치에 데이터를 작성

Clear Diagnostic Information (0x14)

  • 저장된 DTC(진단 트러블 코드)를 삭제


0x14 - ECU에서 모든 DTC를 삭제

Read DTC Information (0x19)

  • 저장된 DTC와 관련 정보를 읽어옴


0x19 - ECU에서 현재 저장된 모든 DTC를 읽어옴

Report type
(sub function value)
Report Description
0x01 Number of DTC by Status Mask Reports the number of DTCs matching the status mask.
0x02 DTC by Status Mask Reports the DTCs matching the status mask.
0x03 DTC Snapshot Identification Reports the identification of DTC snapshots.
0x04 DTC Snapshot Record by DTC Number Reports the snapshot records by DTC number.
0x05 DTC Stored Data by Record Number Reports the stored DTC data by record number.
0x06 DTC Extended Data Record by DTC Number Reports the extended data records by DTC number.
0x07 Number of DTC by Severity Mask Record Reports the number of DTCs matching the severity mask.
0x08 DTC by Severity Mask Record Reports the DTCs matching the severity mask.
0x09 Severity Information of DTC Reports the severity information of a specific DTC.
0x0A Supported DTC Reports the supported DTCs.
0x0B First Failed DTC Reports the first failed DTC.
0x0C First Confirmed DTC Reports the first confirmed DTC.
0x0D Most Recent Failed DTC Reports the most recent failed DTC.
0x0E Most Recent Confirmed DTC Reports the most recent confirmed DTC.
0x0F Mirror Memory DTC by Status Mask Reports the mirror memory DTCs matching the status mask.
0x10 Mirror Memory DTC by DTC Number Reports the mirror memory DTCs by DTC number.
0x11 Number of Mirror Memory DTC by Status Mask Reports the number of mirror memory DTCs matching the status mask.
0x12 Number of Emissions OBD DTC by Status Mask Reports the number of emissions-related OBD DTCs matching the status mask.
0x13 Emissions OBD DTC by Status Mask Reports the emissions-related OBD DTCs matching the status mask.
0x14 DTC Fault Detection Counter Reports the DTC fault detection counter.
0x15 DTC with Permanent Status Reports the DTCs with permanent status.
0x16 DTC Extended Data Record by Record Number Reports the extended data records by record number.
0x17 User Defined Memory DTC by Status Mask Reports the user-defined memory DTCs matching the status mask.
0x18 User Defined Memory DTC Snapshot by Number Reports the user-defined memory DTC snapshots by number.
0x19 User Defined Memory DTC Record by Number Reports the user-defined memory DTC records by number.
0x42 WWH-OBD DTC by Status Mask Record Reports the WWH-OBD DTCs matching the status mask.
0x55 WWH-OBD DTCs with Permanent Status Reports the WWH-OBD DTCs with permanent status.

Input Output Control By Identifier (0x2F)

  • ECU 아날로그/디지털 입력/출력을 제어


0x2F - 특정 출력 핀을 활성화

Routine Control (0x31)

  • 테스트 루틴을 시작하거나 중지합니다 (예: 자가 테스트, 플래시 메모리 지우기)


0x31 - ECU의 자가 테스트 루틴을 시작

Routine control type
(Sub function value)
Routine control Description
0x01 Start Routine Starts a specified routine.
0x02 Stop Routine Stops a specified routine.
0x03 Request Routine Results Requests the results of a specified routine.

Request Download (0x34)

  • ECU에 소프트웨어/데이터 추가를 요청합니다 (위치/크기 포함)


0x34 - ECU에 새로운 소프트웨어를 다운로드

Request Upload (0x35)

  • ECU에서 소프트웨어/데이터를 읽어오도록 요청합니다 (위치/크기 포함)


0x35 - ECU에서 데이터를 업로드

Transfer Data (0x36)

  • 0x74/0x75 명령 후 실제 데이터를 전송


0x36 - ECU로 데이터 전송을 수행

Request Transfer Exit (0x37)

  • 데이터 전송을 중지


0x37 - 현재 진행 중인 데이터 전송을 중지

Request File Transfer (0x38)

  • ECU와의 파일 다운로드/업로드를 수행


0x38 - ECU와 파일 업로드를 수행

Negative Response (0x7F)

  • 요청이 처리될 수 없을 때 부정 응답 코드와 함께 전송


0x7F - 요청된 서비스가 지원되지 않는 경우 부정 응답을 반환